Our final day. Rob, Gillian and Tommy headed out early today to tie up some last minute loose ends at SACRO while the rest of us enjoyed a more leisurely start to the day. Once we were all back together we headed off to the Pre-School in Mbabane for a visit with the little ones. Upon our arrival we were greeted by the welcome wagon - smiling faces all ready to play with us.
As it was a 'cold' day (it felt like it was maybe 15 degrees celsius) most of the students stayed home and school was being let out early (kind of like the Canadian version of a 'Snow Day'). As we huddled in the classroom we played with some clay and applied "I Love Canada" tattoos on the children's hands. We wonder how the children explained that to their parents. With a few new toys in hand we moved the party outside to play catch, attempted to blow some bubbles and engaged in a dance-off. So you think you can dance? Wait till you go head to head with a Swazi child!
After saying goodbye our group took the short drive over to the SACRO Drop-In-Centre for a visit. It was pouring rain so forty plus children and a dozen adults crammed into the little building. Unfortunately our soccer match was no longer possible. As a consolation Rob attempted to teach them a song complete with hand motions. While they seemingly had no idea what he was saying they were quick to pick up the words and actions and seemed to enjoy the experience. Despite the rain the children were sporting their newly donated soccer uniforms and purple "JP 2113" t-shirts. After another round of goodbyes we headed back to Manzini.
The evening found us back at the Road Lodge once again around THE BIG RED COUCH with our friends from SACRO. After two weeks of getting to know one another we couldn't think of a better way to bid our farewells than with a party. Finger foods, libations and plenty of dancing were enjoyed by all. Who knew Bob and Gillian would be the "Dancing Queens" of the group?! As a token of appreciation SACRO presented each of us with a gift, a traditional Swazi wrap complete with a picture of the king. And for our fearless leaders a special bowl for Rob and a Knobkiry for Tommy. As the evening came to a close we exchanged our information, hugs, and many wishes for the best.
The last two weeks have been a roller coaster ride of emotions, people, scenery, conversations, and experiences. It's all good!
Lessons of the Trip:
Tommy - Some of the best smiles and warmest hugs are among the poorest of the poor.
Gillian - Things change. Again.
Rob - Make a difference.
Mirella - It's all about the heart.
Kelly - Connections are key.
Bob - Dancing is the universal language.
Chris - A little listening goes a long way.
Anya - It's the relationships that make it beautiful
Disclaimer - After fourteen days of blog writing Kelly is still saving me grammatically. You're an amazing teacher Kelly, I'm just a slow learner!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, August 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Aug 9: Chapter 13 - A Walk On The Serious Side
Bright eyed and not so bushy tailed we all gathered around the newly installed garage doors at SACRO for a serious photo op. Word has it that we're going to be in the local newspaper tomorrow. Hopefully it will be some good advertisement for SACRO and hopefully Shadrack isn't too offended that he's not in the picture. After all, we have no doubt about who ran the show and made sure the work got done right.
On the road again we took a trip out to the rural areas of Manzini, particularly Nsoko and Lubulini. One of the cool things about this was that the community we visited was where our friend Sibusiso grew up. We met the Chief of the community (see photo below) who also acted as our tour guide for the day. As we walked on the beaten path we were able to see the living conditions, livestock, and children playing. It was an opportunity to observe and fully absorb all that we were witness to. The images are extremely stark and raw and yet the people maintain a vibrant spirit and sense of life.
As we continued on our journey we were able to visit several schools, both primary and secondary. The school day was in full swing. The children and teachers were more than willing to welcome us in and say "Salebona" (aka hello). We toured various classrooms and engaged with some of the kids via photos and games. Seeing the conditions of classrooms, desks, and kitchens is in huge contrast to their eagerness to learn. For many of us today the impressions will be long lasting.
Through all the experiences of the day the images and various levels of poverty were pervasive. It was in stark contrast to our personal experiences and left many of us with more questions than answers. It was truly sobering and humbling. It is definitely going to take us a long time to realize the impact of those images and what we choose to do about it in our own personal lives.
Lesson of the Day: We are truly blessed beyond measure!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013, Swaziland
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Aug 8: Chapter 12 - Variety is the Spice of Life
Today was a mishmash of all sorts of activity. Some of us assembled new numbers and signage for each unit at SACRO (kudos to Gillian for her computer pizazz, painting skills and ability to spell). Our hope is that this will help increase business and curb appeal. As a result of today's activities the energy of the current renters seemed positive. They seemed appreciative and are looking forward to marketing their skills. While that was going on, others of us assisted in editing a Grant Proposal and a Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Health (by 'others' I mean Kelly, who was completely in his professor zone). The Grant would enable SACRO to further it's mission in working with at-risk youth. And while that was going on, Chris and I were off in search of age appropriate toys for our re-visit to the pre-school for Friday. In the process we found ourselves accompanied by five children who were on their way home from school. We had an impromptu tea party on the lovely grounds of the Road Lodge, aka the shaded portion of the parking lot by the security guard's hut. After having our fill of tea and cookies (aka chips and juice) and some photo ops, our little friends took their goody bags (some oranges) and were on their way. A good time was had by all!
Lesson of the Day: Every little bit helps. Do what you can when you can.
Disclaimer: If you're ever invited to my place for dinner don't be surprised if you're served chips and juice (aka brownies and wine).
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013, Swaziland
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Aug 7: Chapter 11 - Learning and Growing
My mom would always tell us when we were sick, "too much excitement eh?". It turns out that the party last night may have been a little too much fun for some of us. This morning had Tommy and Kelly down for the count and Chris and Mirella not far behind.
Our mission today was to plant a vegetable garden for the children at the SACRO Drop-in-Centre. With a quick stop at the local garden nursery we gathered the spinach, peppers, lettuce and cabbage seedlings. Once at the Drop-in-Centre Mirella, Chris, Bob and I set to work on clearing and tilling the earth. In contrast to previous days this one found us with tools in excess. Within a few hours we had created a beautiful 15 x 30 veggie garden.
With some time to spare in the afternoon we made an impromptu visit to one of the local pre-schools that Rob and Gillian had visited earlier in the day. The children were just beginning to eat lunch and our arrival seemingly halted all thoughts of eating. Each of us found our place and the children found our laps. And our hearts. We had such a wonderful time that we're going back with the rest of the crew on Friday.
Lesson of the Day: Seedlings come in all shapes, sizes, and flavours. And they all need watering!
Disclaimer: I swear my brownies had nothing to do with half the team being sick!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013,Swaziland
Our mission today was to plant a vegetable garden for the children at the SACRO Drop-in-Centre. With a quick stop at the local garden nursery we gathered the spinach, peppers, lettuce and cabbage seedlings. Once at the Drop-in-Centre Mirella, Chris, Bob and I set to work on clearing and tilling the earth. In contrast to previous days this one found us with tools in excess. Within a few hours we had created a beautiful 15 x 30 veggie garden.
With some time to spare in the afternoon we made an impromptu visit to one of the local pre-schools that Rob and Gillian had visited earlier in the day. The children were just beginning to eat lunch and our arrival seemingly halted all thoughts of eating. Each of us found our place and the children found our laps. And our hearts. We had such a wonderful time that we're going back with the rest of the crew on Friday.
Disclaimer: I swear my brownies had nothing to do with half the team being sick!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013,Swaziland
Aug 6: Chapter 10 - Victory is Ours!
We arrived on site today to find that Shadrack worked on Saturday and managed to successfully install two new garage doors. Rumour has it that this was SACRO's way of apologizing for being so disorganized at the beginning of the week. Really our suspicion is that Shadrack just wanted to work in peace and without us constantly being underfoot. Regardless, the man is a godsend. With energy to spare we cleaned up the old garage doors and skillfully hung the final two. That makes seven! Mission accomplished!
While the last two doors were being hung the rest of the group cleaned up and disposed of the old garage doors. With Bob and Mirella at the helm the remaining garage door was dismantled. It didn't stand a chance against Mirella, Xena goddess warrior, and her hacksaw.
With the sweet taste of victory still on hand we gathered around the Fat Cakes lady's 'restaurant' for a lunch of curry chicken. Not sure which was better, the chicken or the victory.
The afternoon found us hustling home as we had to prep for our dinner guests. We were thrilled to open the doors of the Road Lodge and host the staff of SACRO. With a variety of appetizers and libations we entertained 9 new friends in an atmosphere of food and friendship. It seems the evening helped the SACRO staff connect with each other. We hope the spirit of the evening lives on. For us it was fun to get to know the SACRO staff in a more social setting as the individuals they are. Their spirit is something that has left a lasting impression on us. Mission accomplished!
Lesson of the Day: You don't have to look very far to find good people.
Disclaimer: Just because there's a fire in the oven doesn't mean the food is going to taste bad. No need to panic!
Anya Malda
While the last two doors were being hung the rest of the group cleaned up and disposed of the old garage doors. With Bob and Mirella at the helm the remaining garage door was dismantled. It didn't stand a chance against Mirella, Xena goddess warrior, and her hacksaw.
With the sweet taste of victory still on hand we gathered around the Fat Cakes lady's 'restaurant' for a lunch of curry chicken. Not sure which was better, the chicken or the victory.
The afternoon found us hustling home as we had to prep for our dinner guests. We were thrilled to open the doors of the Road Lodge and host the staff of SACRO. With a variety of appetizers and libations we entertained 9 new friends in an atmosphere of food and friendship. It seems the evening helped the SACRO staff connect with each other. We hope the spirit of the evening lives on. For us it was fun to get to know the SACRO staff in a more social setting as the individuals they are. Their spirit is something that has left a lasting impression on us. Mission accomplished!
Lesson of the Day: You don't have to look very far to find good people.
Disclaimer: Just because there's a fire in the oven doesn't mean the food is going to taste bad. No need to panic!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013, Swaziland
Aug 5: Chapter 9 Part 2 - With Nothing Else to Do...
Once at the border we were surprised to find that we were meant to have a visitors visa in order to cross. After hitting a roadblock at the counter Muzi used his Swazi finesse and some "international negotiating skills" to secure our safe passage.
As we progressed to our dinner destination on the ocean we witnessed some of the most heartbreaking poverty most of us have ever seen. It almost made Swaziland appear 'rich.' Almost. In spite of the living conditions the people of Mozambique continue to make their own music being small scale business owners who are using their skills to provide the necessities of life.
After a few more hiccups along the way we finally arrived at a hopping seafood restaurant on the ocean's edge. While eating some fresh delicious seafood we reflected on the experiences of the day. There was no BIG RED COUCH available so the BIG GREEN PICNIC TABLE had to do. With our friend Muzi sitting at the head of the table we shared our own sounds of the day and made beautiful music by the ocean side.
Lesson of the Day: There is no greater teacher in life than life itself.
Lesson of the Day: There is no greater teacher in life than life itself.
Disclaimer: Who needs a passport? I am a passport. Thanks Muzi!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013, Swaziland
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Aug 5: Chapter 9 Part 1 - The Harmonizing of Culture
After a relaxed start to the morning, Rob headed off to celebrate the baptism of a good friend's child. The rest of us visited the nearby traditional Swazi Cultural Village. We had an informative tour and learned about traditions, practices, and family relationships. We were then serenaded and entertained with singing and dancing. As we listened to the melodic tones and beautiful harmonies we found ourselves swaying, tapping our feet, and smiling. During the audience participation portion of the entertainment Mirella was chosen to demonstrate her sense of African rhythm. The program ended with more harmonies that were pleasing to soul.
We continued our experience with a nature walk to a nearby waterfall. On the way to and from a different chorus of sounds could be heard. The sounds of nature also stirred our souls.
We continued our experience with a nature walk to a nearby waterfall. On the way to and from a different chorus of sounds could be heard. The sounds of nature also stirred our souls.
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August 2013, Swaziland
Aug 4: Chapter 8 - Lions, Rhinos and Elephans... Oh My!
Today was way 'funner!' After dropping Rob off at the S.O.S. Children's Village in Siteki the seven of us headed to Hlane in search of the Big 5 (Elephants, Rhinos, Lions, Leopards, and the ever popular Water Buffalo). With time to spare before the safari we spent some time bonding at the local watering hole, literally. In less than thirty minutes we were enjoying our morning coffee with the Rhinos (1 down, 4 to go). To not be out done several hippos decided to join the party as well. Even though hippos are not part of the Big 5 they are just so darn cute!
As we continued to pass the time watching the animals in their environment we were very much aware of the calmness and stillness of the experience. We commented to each other many times on the dichotomy of their beauty and the potential danger in their behaviour. For all of us we found ourselves in a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind.
Just before taking off on safari Mirella (aka Sunshine) came running to the group professing to have spotted the infamous Water Buffalo (2 down, 3 to go). With camera in hand and gunning for the Jeep Sunshine also called " Gun Shot!" To the rest of us this is also known as "Shot Gun."
With Johannes as our guide and Sunshine Co-Piloting we started our safari adventure. We rounded the first bend and boom, we spotted several female elephants and their young (that makes 3 down, 2 to go). Not far up the path we saw two giraffes. Interspersed we saw impala (the animal, not the Chevy car), warthogs, an assortment of birds (including the 'banana beak bird' and cape glossy starling), a crocodile, Egyptian geese, and many termite mounds.
We spent some time searching for lions but seemingly to no avail. As we were leaving the gated area the jeep in front of us had spotted a lion. And not just any old lion, but one with a huge mane and a huge attitude. We sat and admired his presence. And then we admired some more.
As we exited the park most of us checked off 3 of the Big 5. However, Sunshine is able to check off 4. Game on!
Lesson of the Day: Be quiet and keep your eyes peeled.
Disclaimer: Do not be fooled, the word Dichotomy was all Kelly. Definitely the word of the day. No humans or animals were harmed in the writing of this blog.
Anya and Kelly
DWC Participants
August 2013, Swaziland
As we continued to pass the time watching the animals in their environment we were very much aware of the calmness and stillness of the experience. We commented to each other many times on the dichotomy of their beauty and the potential danger in their behaviour. For all of us we found ourselves in a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind.
Just before taking off on safari Mirella (aka Sunshine) came running to the group professing to have spotted the infamous Water Buffalo (2 down, 3 to go). With camera in hand and gunning for the Jeep Sunshine also called " Gun Shot!" To the rest of us this is also known as "Shot Gun."
With Johannes as our guide and Sunshine Co-Piloting we started our safari adventure. We rounded the first bend and boom, we spotted several female elephants and their young (that makes 3 down, 2 to go). Not far up the path we saw two giraffes. Interspersed we saw impala (the animal, not the Chevy car), warthogs, an assortment of birds (including the 'banana beak bird' and cape glossy starling), a crocodile, Egyptian geese, and many termite mounds.
We spent some time searching for lions but seemingly to no avail. As we were leaving the gated area the jeep in front of us had spotted a lion. And not just any old lion, but one with a huge mane and a huge attitude. We sat and admired his presence. And then we admired some more.
As we exited the park most of us checked off 3 of the Big 5. However, Sunshine is able to check off 4. Game on!
Lesson of the Day: Be quiet and keep your eyes peeled.
Disclaimer: Do not be fooled, the word Dichotomy was all Kelly. Definitely the word of the day. No humans or animals were harmed in the writing of this blog.
Anya and Kelly
DWC Participants
August 2013, Swaziland
Aug 3: Chapter 7 - All Hail the King!
While Shadrack and Rob stayed on at the work site today, the rest of the group headed for a cultural experience with the King. Thousands of Swazi people and seven white people (plus maybe four others) gathered on royal ground (including cow dung; therefore it is royal cow dung). Today the King was disbanding the government and setting into motion the nomination and election process for the new government. As we waited to enter we walked around and saw many people dressed in colourful traditional attire. We had a variety of smells and sights on the tour of the royal grounds, complete with various soldier regiments.
Entering the fenced in area, men and women were segregated. After a quick pass through security and entering single file we were quietly seated and tried to avoid the royal cow dung. The silence of the crowd was impressive and almost eerie, like a quiet anticipation. Without much fanfare or a marching high school band, the king made his grand entrance. As he remained seated (no one is allowed to stand) we were only able to see the three decorative feathers on the top of his head. The king's speech was in S'swati so we were thankful for the Cole's Notes translation from our friends at SARCO. As the King ended his speech all chaos broke loose as people headed for the exit and free food, compliments of the King. Some families walked for miles just for the food as they know it is the one day where they will receive a guaranteed meal.
Finally, after making it through the crowds, we set off with our driver to revisit a roadside chef who specializes in roasted BBQ chicken...mmm! While there we picked up a few groceries (Costco style) and set out for a return visit to the infamous Candle Factory.
While we were very much observers throughout the day, we've come to realize that we too are being observed. As we are in somewhat unfamiliar surroundings we are using our eyes and our ears to take in all that we can to make sense of a new culture. We are reminded constantly of the perspective we have that does not always work. Likewise, we have found the local Swazi people are watching us and learning by using their eyes and ears. We hope the cultural exchange is as meaningful to them as it is to us.
In the culture of new technology, this morning found our kitchen somewhat "raided" and the owner of the Road Lodge discovered the culprits by watching the playback. So remember, someone is always watching and listening.
Lesson of the Day: Be open to new cultural experiences. Use your eyes and your ears. And commit!
Disclaimer: Chris stepped up to the plate tonight and was the third person assisting with tonight's entry. The more the merrier!
Anya and Chris
DWC Participants
August 2013, Swaziland
Entering the fenced in area, men and women were segregated. After a quick pass through security and entering single file we were quietly seated and tried to avoid the royal cow dung. The silence of the crowd was impressive and almost eerie, like a quiet anticipation. Without much fanfare or a marching high school band, the king made his grand entrance. As he remained seated (no one is allowed to stand) we were only able to see the three decorative feathers on the top of his head. The king's speech was in S'swati so we were thankful for the Cole's Notes translation from our friends at SARCO. As the King ended his speech all chaos broke loose as people headed for the exit and free food, compliments of the King. Some families walked for miles just for the food as they know it is the one day where they will receive a guaranteed meal.
Finally, after making it through the crowds, we set off with our driver to revisit a roadside chef who specializes in roasted BBQ chicken...mmm! While there we picked up a few groceries (Costco style) and set out for a return visit to the infamous Candle Factory.
While we were very much observers throughout the day, we've come to realize that we too are being observed. As we are in somewhat unfamiliar surroundings we are using our eyes and our ears to take in all that we can to make sense of a new culture. We are reminded constantly of the perspective we have that does not always work. Likewise, we have found the local Swazi people are watching us and learning by using their eyes and ears. We hope the cultural exchange is as meaningful to them as it is to us.
In the culture of new technology, this morning found our kitchen somewhat "raided" and the owner of the Road Lodge discovered the culprits by watching the playback. So remember, someone is always watching and listening.
Lesson of the Day: Be open to new cultural experiences. Use your eyes and your ears. And commit!
Disclaimer: Chris stepped up to the plate tonight and was the third person assisting with tonight's entry. The more the merrier!
Anya and Chris
DWC Participants
August 2013, Swaziland
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Aug 2: Chapter 6 - The Sweet Smell of Success...and Fat Cakes!
Shadrack arrived and the work began in earnest. With plenty of tools, plenty of know-how, and plenty of strength we successfully installed two functioning, lockable garage doors. HOORAY!
As different members of our crew worked on the installation of the doors, other members successfully supported a neighboring business owner by purchasing her delicious Fat Cakes. The sweet smell of Fat Cakes lingered over the work environment to the point of distraction. Numerous trips were made to purchase the local delicacy as a way to sustain our energy level.
The spirit of success continued throughout the day. A couple of field trips to Bolts and Nuts Hardware also led to successful interactions with local textile owners and a seamstress. By next Tuesday Mirella, Chris and myself hope to be wearing original Swazi-made skirts. Check us out next week on the runway.
As the afternoon progressed with a second garage door being completed, an intense game of board-pong (our word for the game, not theirs) ensued. The game was highly competitive, required expert eye-hand coordination and the winner was our eight year old Swazi friend, "Clay."
At the end of the day we cleaned up our mess, pre-ordered lunch for Monday (always thinking ahead) and high-fives were given all around. We stood back and admired our work feeling satisfied and actually looking forward to garage doors three, four, five, six, and seven. We felt good about putting in a full honest day's worth of work.
Lesson of the Day: Success comes in many forms and is somewhat dependent upon your outlook and expectations.
Disclaimer: Although Bob is a Drill Sargent at Bootcamp, he has the tendency to get involved very deeply in his work. The first aid kit is never far away.
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
August, Swaziland 2013
Aug 1: Chapter 5 - Patience is a Virtue!
We arrived at the job site this morning geared up and ready to go We had high hopes of accomplishing the installation of at least one garage door and unfortunately were met with some frustrations. The local handyman that SACRO had initially hired to assist us on Monday, in fact failed to show up at the job site. So out of frustration and with good intentions we attempted to complete our original goal, one garage door...perhaps not the best idea.
After several unsuccessful attempts and with the arrival of our new best friend, Shadrack, we cleaned up the mess we had made. And we have high hopes (yet again) for tomorrow.
Lesson of the Day: Pack a little patience. Be sure to pack a little more.
Disclaimer: Our parents have taught us to leave a place better than you found it; we failed to do so today. Our optimism has not yet been snuffed out and we hope to do better tomorrow.
Chapter 5: Part 2 - Food for Thought
We had the pleasure of having a guest at dinner tonight. Sibusiso, the Social Worker at SACRO. He joined us for a traditional Italian dinner complete with garlic bread. Before, during, and after dinner we discussed a variety of topics related to life in Swazi. It was fascinating to hear about politics, cultural practices, and social issues that affect the quality of life here. It was our own little cultural exchange of information and ideas. It seems we both learned a lot. In fact, phone numbers were exchanged.
Lesson of the Day: The sharing of food is a common experience across all cultures. Our 'family' adopted another member tonight and we feel like we've been adopted in return.
Disclaimer: Nothing to disclaim!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, August 2013
After several unsuccessful attempts and with the arrival of our new best friend, Shadrack, we cleaned up the mess we had made. And we have high hopes (yet again) for tomorrow.
Lesson of the Day: Pack a little patience. Be sure to pack a little more.
Disclaimer: Our parents have taught us to leave a place better than you found it; we failed to do so today. Our optimism has not yet been snuffed out and we hope to do better tomorrow.
Chapter 5: Part 2 - Food for Thought
We had the pleasure of having a guest at dinner tonight. Sibusiso, the Social Worker at SACRO. He joined us for a traditional Italian dinner complete with garlic bread. Before, during, and after dinner we discussed a variety of topics related to life in Swazi. It was fascinating to hear about politics, cultural practices, and social issues that affect the quality of life here. It was our own little cultural exchange of information and ideas. It seems we both learned a lot. In fact, phone numbers were exchanged.
Lesson of the Day: The sharing of food is a common experience across all cultures. Our 'family' adopted another member tonight and we feel like we've been adopted in return.
Disclaimer: Nothing to disclaim!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, August 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
July 31: Chapter 4 - Two Halves Make A Whole
We awoke to another beautiful sunny morning in Swazi, clear blue sky and approximately 22 degrees Celsius. Feeling confident and industrious we set off on our trek to work.
Part of the group, myself and Kelly, went with Sibusiso to the SACRO Drop-In-Center in Mbabane. We were introduced to staff, toured the facility, and scoped out the area where we hope to cultivate and plant a garden with the children. We had a stimulating and eye opening conversation with Sibusiso and Sihle (Social Workers for both programs) wherein we learned more about the program, it's vision, and goals. The Drop-In-Center functions as a support system for over sixty children living in the area. Their main goal is crime prevention by keeping children off of the streets. Through several donors and partners the program is able to meet some of the basic needs for these children such as, provide a warm and nutritious meal, support with homework, and life skills teaching. In the coming days the group will have several opportunities to interact with the children. Stay tuned.
Back at the work site the other part of the crew worked tirelessly removing several dilapidated garage doors and beginning to replace them with new, shinny, lightweight roll up doors. It seems that Mirella is stronger than she realized and accidentally broke the hammer drill - oops! We were also stunned to find that we've unleashed a 'monster' in Gillian as she demonstrated here prowess with the drill. As luck would have it one of the small business owners in the SACRO complex was a welder and he was able to display his talent for fixing drill shafts. Unfortunately it was more of a bandaid than a remedy.
From today's experiences, we are seeing how the work with the children and the improvements that are being made for the ex-prisoners complement each other. For the rest of our adventure we look forward to seeing how the mission and vision of two distinct programs help young children, adults, and their local community. We look forward to sharing with you more about what we learn and experience as the weeks go by in beautiful Swaziland.
A bonus of our stay at the Road Lodge is the befriending of our night watchman, Futi. We have seen pictures of his beautiful family and have taken him on as a member of our family, particularly at dinner time. This evening's meal, again compliments of Chef Tommy and Sous Chef Chris, consisted of stir-fry and gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum yum!
Lesson of the Day: Having the right tools is half the battle.
Disclaimer: I am suffering from a bit of a stomach bug today so Kelly contributed the words of wisdom; he's also a year or two older.
Part of the group, myself and Kelly, went with Sibusiso to the SACRO Drop-In-Center in Mbabane. We were introduced to staff, toured the facility, and scoped out the area where we hope to cultivate and plant a garden with the children. We had a stimulating and eye opening conversation with Sibusiso and Sihle (Social Workers for both programs) wherein we learned more about the program, it's vision, and goals. The Drop-In-Center functions as a support system for over sixty children living in the area. Their main goal is crime prevention by keeping children off of the streets. Through several donors and partners the program is able to meet some of the basic needs for these children such as, provide a warm and nutritious meal, support with homework, and life skills teaching. In the coming days the group will have several opportunities to interact with the children. Stay tuned.
Back at the work site the other part of the crew worked tirelessly removing several dilapidated garage doors and beginning to replace them with new, shinny, lightweight roll up doors. It seems that Mirella is stronger than she realized and accidentally broke the hammer drill - oops! We were also stunned to find that we've unleashed a 'monster' in Gillian as she demonstrated here prowess with the drill. As luck would have it one of the small business owners in the SACRO complex was a welder and he was able to display his talent for fixing drill shafts. Unfortunately it was more of a bandaid than a remedy.
From today's experiences, we are seeing how the work with the children and the improvements that are being made for the ex-prisoners complement each other. For the rest of our adventure we look forward to seeing how the mission and vision of two distinct programs help young children, adults, and their local community. We look forward to sharing with you more about what we learn and experience as the weeks go by in beautiful Swaziland.
A bonus of our stay at the Road Lodge is the befriending of our night watchman, Futi. We have seen pictures of his beautiful family and have taken him on as a member of our family, particularly at dinner time. This evening's meal, again compliments of Chef Tommy and Sous Chef Chris, consisted of stir-fry and gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum yum!
Lesson of the Day: Having the right tools is half the battle.
Disclaimer: I am suffering from a bit of a stomach bug today so Kelly contributed the words of wisdom; he's also a year or two older.
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
July 30th: Chapter 3 - Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go!
We departed from home this morning in out typical mode of transportation, the back of the truck, ready for our first day of work. As we merged into rush hour traffic we were joined by a man who we assumed was a "jumper" but in fact he turned out to be a "pusher." While we thought we were quietly idling and trying to overtake the stalled vehicle in the middle of the road, we came to realize that our truck had run out of gas. In fact we were being assisted to the side of the road by our friendly "pusher," our new best friend. After a slight delay we continued on our way to the work site.
With much discussion of work site projects, our team of highly skilled labourers set out to dig a trench for piping to assist in improvements to the washrooms. We dug. We picked. We chopped. We scooped (with an empty coffee container). And we dug some more. If a trench can be pretty we did it!
After a lunch break and wifi connection (HOORAY!) we returned to the work site for a meeting with local community administrators to clarify their needs and our skill set as they relate to the projects we would be working on. Now with a firm game plan we are set to go for our two week adventure.
As we ended our work day, since we hadn't had enough exercise we chose to walk home. Approximately forty minutes later we arrived safe and sound and discovered that we're all more than ready and capable of hiking up Sheba's Rock.
Lesson of the Day: Always carry a spare jug (aka Jerry can) and the top part of a water bottle (aka funnel) in your car when you have a poorly functioning gas gauge.
Disclaimer: Unbeknownst to himself, Kelly has officially been suckered in to writing this blog with me - sweet deal for me!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
With much discussion of work site projects, our team of highly skilled labourers set out to dig a trench for piping to assist in improvements to the washrooms. We dug. We picked. We chopped. We scooped (with an empty coffee container). And we dug some more. If a trench can be pretty we did it!
After a lunch break and wifi connection (HOORAY!) we returned to the work site for a meeting with local community administrators to clarify their needs and our skill set as they relate to the projects we would be working on. Now with a firm game plan we are set to go for our two week adventure.
As we ended our work day, since we hadn't had enough exercise we chose to walk home. Approximately forty minutes later we arrived safe and sound and discovered that we're all more than ready and capable of hiking up Sheba's Rock.
Lesson of the Day: Always carry a spare jug (aka Jerry can) and the top part of a water bottle (aka funnel) in your car when you have a poorly functioning gas gauge.
Disclaimer: Unbeknownst to himself, Kelly has officially been suckered in to writing this blog with me - sweet deal for me!
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
July 29th: Chapter 2 - The Wild Side
We woke this morning to a breakfast of champions prepared by Chef Tommy (credits for toast preparation to Sous Chef Mirella). Gourmet style eggs with mushrooms, onion and asparagus set the tone for the day and the bar for the next two weeks.
Our day on the wild side started with typical Swazi style transportation - a ride in the back of a pickup truck. Displaying our exceptional form and agility nine of us were seated snugly in the back on top of bags of donations (can you say squeezy squeezy?) We again had a 'ten minute walk' (in reality a twenty minute drive) through the city to the project site. SACRO - Swaziland Association for Crime Prevention and the Rehabilitation of Offenders will be our work home for the next two weeks. We had a warm welcome and lovely tour of the site and we look forward to an opportunity to help them in their vision and mission work.
Then we were off to the much anticipated Candle Factory finally! In keeping in lines with our walk on the wild side we explored the local craft market full of wood carvings, batik, woven goods, and CANDLES in various sizes, shapes, and animal prints (compliments of Chris, which we currently have burning on the coffee table in front of us as we lounge on the BIG RED COUCH).
Today, lunch too was on the wild side. On the way to the animal sanctuary we made an impromptu stop at a roadside market and ordered bbq chicken off the open flame of a homemade Big Green Egg. The eight of us sat in the van and mauled apart the carcass of several fowl. It was better than 'finger lickin' good,' so there Colonel Saunders! Thank goodness for hand wipes.
We arrived at the Milwane National Big Game Sanctuary and continued the walk (or bike ride) on the wild side. I was so impressed to see two of our other team members tap into their personal wild sides by spontaneously upgrading to the biking tour. It proved to be full of twists and turns, highs and lows, and laughs and scrapes. Highlights included jumping impalas, zebras, hippos, the hibernating crocodile on Crocodile Island, and the ever popular warthog. To celebrate that no one became prey while touring we shared various libations at the Hippo Haunt.
With another stop at a local craft market full of typical hand crafted items for the typical tourist we headed off to Sheba's Rock for a tamed-down version of dinner. Internet finally! After much conversation about the day's events and another round of libations we headed for the BIG RED COUCH in our evening attire.
Lesson of the Day: Look where you want to go and commit! Hold on and smile. Take a risk and you'll be fine.
Disclaimer: The names of the animals have been omitted to protect the innocent. This entry was yet again another group effort.
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
Our day on the wild side started with typical Swazi style transportation - a ride in the back of a pickup truck. Displaying our exceptional form and agility nine of us were seated snugly in the back on top of bags of donations (can you say squeezy squeezy?) We again had a 'ten minute walk' (in reality a twenty minute drive) through the city to the project site. SACRO - Swaziland Association for Crime Prevention and the Rehabilitation of Offenders will be our work home for the next two weeks. We had a warm welcome and lovely tour of the site and we look forward to an opportunity to help them in their vision and mission work.
Then we were off to the much anticipated Candle Factory finally! In keeping in lines with our walk on the wild side we explored the local craft market full of wood carvings, batik, woven goods, and CANDLES in various sizes, shapes, and animal prints (compliments of Chris, which we currently have burning on the coffee table in front of us as we lounge on the BIG RED COUCH).
Today, lunch too was on the wild side. On the way to the animal sanctuary we made an impromptu stop at a roadside market and ordered bbq chicken off the open flame of a homemade Big Green Egg. The eight of us sat in the van and mauled apart the carcass of several fowl. It was better than 'finger lickin' good,' so there Colonel Saunders! Thank goodness for hand wipes.
We arrived at the Milwane National Big Game Sanctuary and continued the walk (or bike ride) on the wild side. I was so impressed to see two of our other team members tap into their personal wild sides by spontaneously upgrading to the biking tour. It proved to be full of twists and turns, highs and lows, and laughs and scrapes. Highlights included jumping impalas, zebras, hippos, the hibernating crocodile on Crocodile Island, and the ever popular warthog. To celebrate that no one became prey while touring we shared various libations at the Hippo Haunt.
With another stop at a local craft market full of typical hand crafted items for the typical tourist we headed off to Sheba's Rock for a tamed-down version of dinner. Internet finally! After much conversation about the day's events and another round of libations we headed for the BIG RED COUCH in our evening attire.
Lesson of the Day: Look where you want to go and commit! Hold on and smile. Take a risk and you'll be fine.
Disclaimer: The names of the animals have been omitted to protect the innocent. This entry was yet again another group effort.
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
July 28th: Chapter 1 - On the Road to Swaziland
After lengthy travel time, the eight of us (1 Dane, 3 Americans, 4 Canadians and a Partridge in a Pear Tree) arrived safely in Johannesburg Airport. We were introduced to South African Standard Time right off the bat. Our driver, Muzi, was running "10 minutes" late as he needed to have the tires on the van changed. He did show up, albeit several "10 minutes" later (try 2.5 hours).
After a quick pit stop at the Mercedes dealership to pick up a single fuel injector (apparently an essential part), we were on our way. The terrain was relatively flat with little vegetation throughout most of the countryside. We took a lunch break at a local mall. Kind of surreal and bizarre being in a developing country and visiting a mall. It was packed with people and we were told that this is the natural phenomenon on payday. The mall seemed more than just a place to shop and more like a community centre where families gather to socialize.
On the road again the landscape started to become a little more hilly the closer we got to the Swaziland boarder. This was also where you began to see large Pine trees...didn't see that coming. Massive acres of Pine tree rows are planted for harvesting.
Mid afternoon found us at the official South African/Swazi border. We all disembarked and went through what could quite possibly be dubbed the shortest customs line worldwide. After being peppered with intrusive questions (Are you driving? How long are you staying?) we were forced to literally walk across the border and past the customs officials who were lounging comfortably in their lawn chairs.
After enduring the bumpy ride we arrived at our appropriately named home, The Road Lodge Guest House. If you squint your eyes really tightly and use a little imagination it looks exactly like the photos they display on their website. After rearranging the room assignments and furniture we all settled into the BIG RED COUCH.
Lesson of the Day: As there are no traffic lights and traffic is somewhat chaotic we recommend crossing the road at the speed bumps in order to better your chances of not becoming a speed bump yourself.
Disclaimer: This has been been written under the influence of jet leg, and while I was initially concerned about all of the readers judging my writing abilities, the good news is I'm surrounded by 3 teachers, a principal, and a career counsellor so the judging is being done well before this blog gets posted.
After a quick pit stop at the Mercedes dealership to pick up a single fuel injector (apparently an essential part), we were on our way. The terrain was relatively flat with little vegetation throughout most of the countryside. We took a lunch break at a local mall. Kind of surreal and bizarre being in a developing country and visiting a mall. It was packed with people and we were told that this is the natural phenomenon on payday. The mall seemed more than just a place to shop and more like a community centre where families gather to socialize.
On the road again the landscape started to become a little more hilly the closer we got to the Swaziland boarder. This was also where you began to see large Pine trees...didn't see that coming. Massive acres of Pine tree rows are planted for harvesting.
Mid afternoon found us at the official South African/Swazi border. We all disembarked and went through what could quite possibly be dubbed the shortest customs line worldwide. After being peppered with intrusive questions (Are you driving? How long are you staying?) we were forced to literally walk across the border and past the customs officials who were lounging comfortably in their lawn chairs.
After enduring the bumpy ride we arrived at our appropriately named home, The Road Lodge Guest House. If you squint your eyes really tightly and use a little imagination it looks exactly like the photos they display on their website. After rearranging the room assignments and furniture we all settled into the BIG RED COUCH.
Lesson of the Day: As there are no traffic lights and traffic is somewhat chaotic we recommend crossing the road at the speed bumps in order to better your chances of not becoming a speed bump yourself.
Disclaimer: This has been been written under the influence of jet leg, and while I was initially concerned about all of the readers judging my writing abilities, the good news is I'm surrounded by 3 teachers, a principal, and a career counsellor so the judging is being done well before this blog gets posted.
Anya Malda
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
DWC Participant
Swaziland, July 2013
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