Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 2011: ASK goes global

The ASK Wellness Team Goes Global: Our Swaziland crew are all super-excited about our fast approaching departure date (August 11/11). Now that the fund-raising is done; airfares are paid; and all the costs associated with the DWC side of things have been covered it’s really beginning to become real. In a few short weeks (7 weeks tomorrow) we will be boarding planes and heading to Johannesburg. Some of us are taking different flights and going slightly different routes, thanks to a wonderful donation of air miles from Bruce Churchill of NRI that allowed us to save on four airfares!!! Thanks Bruce!!! On top of that NRI was a title sponsor of our trip. That being said, we will all be in Johannesburg for August 13/11 when we jump in a van and head off to Mbabane, Swaziland. The final arrangements are being made; we now know that we will be building a community kitchen for a pre-school, helping with some gardening and doing some HIV/AIDS outreach. We also know where we’ll be staying, the Legends Backpacker Lodge!!! It looks like a great place!!! Please follow the link if you would like to see it:
We have our last minute details to be dealt with such as arranging for transportation to and from Vancouver, for those of us flying from YVR; figuring out what kind of things we can bring along for the kiddies and some other relatively small details we are ready to go. It’s all over except for the trip itself and the wait until we go. Yay!!!!!!!!

DWC Participant
Dan McGowan

June 2011: Next team headed to Swaziland

Developing World Connections is excited to announce a new partnership with ASK Wellness (an Aids Society in Kamloops who are dedicated to helping those in need throughout the community).
Everyone is getting really excited and beginning to pack their bags as they depart for Swaziland August 11th, 2011. The large ASK Wellness Team consists of 16 participants, both employees and supporters, and they will be volunteering their efforts in the HIV and AIDS devastated community of Mbabane, Swaziland.